You can use our platform to register a copyright for a wide range of works. These include the following
- Any original intellectual creation of speech, art or science, expressed in any form notably written or oral text
- Musical compositions, with or without text
- Drama, with or without music
- Choreographic, circus acts, pantomimes
- Audiovisual works, such as cinema or other works made up of animated sequences of images, with or without sound
- Works of art including drawing, painting, architectural, sculptural, engraving, lithography works.
- Photographic works and works created with technology similar to photography
- Illustrations
- Maps, sketches or plastic works with regards to geography, topography, architecture and the sciences
- Conferences, speeches, sermons and legal arguments
- Software, including the design material at the preparation stage
This list is not exhaustive, so contact our support team if you have any questions about the works our platform supports.